Genesis The Creation Kata
1. The earth was without form and void
2. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters
3. God said let there be light
4. God divided the light from darkness
5. God called the light day
6. God called the darkness night
7. God made the heaven
8. God said let the dry land appear
9. God gathered the waters into one place and the waters He called seas
10. The earth brought forth plants
11. God said let there be lights in heaven
12. God made two great lights
13. The greater light will govern the day
14. The lesser light will govern the night
15. God created living creatures
16. God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply
17. God made man in his own image
18. God said man will rule over all the earth
19. From mans rib God created woman
20. God said be fruitful and multiply
21. God made every plant yielding seed and every fruit yielding tree for food
22. On the seventh day God rested
Exodus Kata
1. Israel in bondage
2. Moses is born and adopted
3. Denies Egypt
4. Flight to Moab
5. Flight up the mountain
6. Receives the staff
7. Takes the staff to Egypt
8. Twice the work
9. Twice the load
10. Plagues on Israel
11. Plagues on Egypt
12. Angel of death (Moses warns)
13. Sweep the land
14. Take the first born
15. Angel of death (comes)
16. Sweeps through the land
17. Takes the first born
18. Parts the waters
19. Pushes the tide
20. Israel rests
Palgwe Forms (Click Name for Youtube Video)
Palgwe Il Jang
Palgwe Ye Jang
Palgwe Sam Jang
Palgwe Sa Jang
Palgwe Oh Jang
Palgwe Yuk Jang
Palgwe Chil Jang
Palgwe Pal Jang
Taeguek Forms (Click Name for Youtube Video)
Taeguek Il Jang
Taeguek Ye Jang
Taeguek Sam Jang
Taeguek Sa Jang
Taeguek Oh Jang
Taeguek Yuk Jang
Taeguek Chil Jang
Taeguek Pal Jang
1. The earth was without form and void
2. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters
3. God said let there be light
4. God divided the light from darkness
5. God called the light day
6. God called the darkness night
7. God made the heaven
8. God said let the dry land appear
9. God gathered the waters into one place and the waters He called seas
10. The earth brought forth plants
11. God said let there be lights in heaven
12. God made two great lights
13. The greater light will govern the day
14. The lesser light will govern the night
15. God created living creatures
16. God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply
17. God made man in his own image
18. God said man will rule over all the earth
19. From mans rib God created woman
20. God said be fruitful and multiply
21. God made every plant yielding seed and every fruit yielding tree for food
22. On the seventh day God rested
Exodus Kata
1. Israel in bondage
2. Moses is born and adopted
3. Denies Egypt
4. Flight to Moab
5. Flight up the mountain
6. Receives the staff
7. Takes the staff to Egypt
8. Twice the work
9. Twice the load
10. Plagues on Israel
11. Plagues on Egypt
12. Angel of death (Moses warns)
13. Sweep the land
14. Take the first born
15. Angel of death (comes)
16. Sweeps through the land
17. Takes the first born
18. Parts the waters
19. Pushes the tide
20. Israel rests
Palgwe Forms (Click Name for Youtube Video)
Palgwe Il Jang
Palgwe Ye Jang
Palgwe Sam Jang
Palgwe Sa Jang
Palgwe Oh Jang
Palgwe Yuk Jang
Palgwe Chil Jang
Palgwe Pal Jang
Taeguek Forms (Click Name for Youtube Video)
Taeguek Il Jang
Taeguek Ye Jang
Taeguek Sam Jang
Taeguek Sa Jang
Taeguek Oh Jang
Taeguek Yuk Jang
Taeguek Chil Jang
Taeguek Pal Jang